A Reflecting Arab Muslim Girl From Around the Corner

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Raising Awareness

I recently spoke to HEART (Health Education, Advocacy, Research & Training for Women & Girls - http://www.heartwomenandgirls.org/)...an amazing grass-roots organization whose mission it is to empower women and girls in interfaith and community settings by building self-esteem and leadership through health and wellness.

I decided to contact HEART because they were the first organization that I had come across that emphasized, amongst other things, the importance of sexual education within Muslim communities. It was very difficult, but I ended up talking for almost two hours over the phone with the Co-Founder & Director of Programs. Butterflies were flying faster and faster in my tummy as the 'interview' day approached...and a few minutes before the call I prayed to God to make my speech eloquent so that the best message could be delivered.

Speaking was surprisingly natural - and every time I wanted to stop speaking, I would remember something else to say. You can read the first of a two-part article here - http://www.altmuslimah.com/a/b/gva/4206/, and the second part here - http://www.altmuslimah.com/a/b/gva/4209#disqus_thread.

I hope this is the first step to raising awareness of an issue that plagues our communities. Everything happens for a reason...the question is how can I be of benefit to society through this experience?


  1. wrinkledman...you have a lot more impact on my life than you may think. ever since you made the comment about how he may be doing this to other girls, i knew i needed to reach out more than just through this blog. it is your comment that pushed me to contact HEART. thank you.

  2. My heart has been with yours all along. It's why I found you, or you me...which was it? Anyway, we are all survivors, some of abuse, some of abusing, some of both. My personal mantra has long been, "If it is illness, let it stop in me, let me heal and never pass it along."
